Who is our Pastor?
Luther Bolung
I was born as the youngest of 8 children, to a Christian family where both my parents came from the Manado area in North Sulawesi, Indonesia.
After completing Bible School in Batu, Malang, East Java in the year 1995, I traveled to the United States and began evangelistic services in several cities in California and West Virginia until 1997 when I returned to Indonesia to marry Sandralina Purba on January the 31st, 1997.
After we were married, we became active in evangelistic ministry in Indonesia until the following year when we both went back to Bible School in Batu, to continue our advanced studies, and we were also blessed by God with the birth of our child Josephindo Bolung on August 22, 1998.
Our service practical was the GPDI Barito Church under the oversight of Pastor Kurniawan, and we were entrusted to the Prayer House, in Pondok Indah, in South Jakarta.
In the year 2000, I made the decision to return to the United States to fulfill God's call for His burden for the souls of Indonesians who came as immigrants to the USA.
To make it short, when I was in Chicago, a colleague, Pastor Teckie Paghunie, the pastor of a congregation in San Francisco, CA called me and asked me to pray if I wanted to serve in Phoenix, AZ and I asked for 2 weeks to give an answer if that was what God wanted.
But I told him that if there was an Indonesian church in Phoenix, regardless of the domination, I did not want to open a new ministry, and Pastor Teckie said that there were none.
Precisely on July 6, 2000, Pastor Teckie and Pastor Matthew Wakkary, accompanied me to start the ministry with one soul, which is Mrs. Fransisca Hofer, and named the church, "CITY HARVEST INTERNATIONAL CHURCH."
A few months later, we were offered by the AZ District of the Assembly of God if we wanted to use the Fellowship Hall facility from the Glad Tidings Assembly of God church located at 2617 N 32nd. Street, Phoenix, AZ 85008.
Simultaneously they offered me to take classes to obtain an AOG Ministers License, and also sought an immigration lawyer to take care of changing the status of Religious worker to become a Permanent Resident or Green cardholder.
Praise God for trusting us, our family exists until now because of His grace. We are entering our 20th year of service at CHIGT Phoenix, Arizona! ...